Autumn Garden Projects

As the days get colder and the nights draw in, the time comes to savour those days where we actually get a bit of sunshine. These days present the perfect opportunity to get your Autumn garden projects underway. To give you a little inspiration, we’ve come up with our top 5 products to help you spruce up your garden this November.


To begin with we have decking! Our timber decking boards make for both an attractive and practical outdoor surface which will last for years to come. Our pressure treated decking boards are more resistant to rotting and warping, so other than the occasional Ronseal coating to maintain your colour of choice, your deck will need very little TLC.

If you’re looking for an alternative to your traditional timber decking, we also stock HD composite decking. This is a low maintenance and durable alternative to timber. Although it looks like wood, it uses the latest in composite technology to create a long-lasting decking. This decking maintains consistent colour and has slip resistant properties. It’s perfect for you Autumn garden projects and we even have our own handy guide on how to install it, making your life that little bit easier.



Hazel Hurdles

Another great product we have right now are our hazel hurdles and we can’t talk about them enough! They’re currently on offer too, which makes them an even more attractive pick for this month’s top 5. If you’re not a fan of the traditional decorative fencing look, hazel hurdles are a high-quality rustic style fence for those who prefer something a little more natural looking with the same amount of style and luxury. Due to their construction, the panels look the same from both sides. This makes them excellent for boundary fencing between neighbours. Lots of people use our shorter hazel hurdles (heights range from 0.9m to 1.8m) as borders within their own gardens. This can be seen in the photo below, and it looks great!

Our hazel hurdles also hold the FSC logo which identifies products which contains wood from well-managed forests. This way you know you’re getting an ethical product, as well as a beautiful fence.

Hazel Fencing

Featheredge Board

Featheredge boards are one of our favourite fencing products! These boards are 125mm x 22m and are ideal for creating a sturdy boundary fence that will stand up to heavy winds, whilst still looking attractive. The boards are extremely durable. Often we see bad weather at this time of year, so they’re great for repairing existing fence panels that may have been damaged. They can even be affixed to closeboard panels so that both neighbours can have the same perfect finish – there’s no need for neighbourhood wars over fencing anymore! All of our featheredge boards are pressure-treated with TANATONE. This provides long term protection against fungal and insect attack. What’s not to love!?

Brown Featheredge Boards

4×4 Brown Timber Posts

Arguably a staple regardless of the time of year, our pressure treated 4×4 brown timber posts are ideal for supporting most types of timber fence panels. Having pressure-treated posts not only enhances the look of the posts but protects the timber from insect infestation, fungal decay and rot too. The posts come in a variety of heights to suit any project. They’re perfect – what else can we say!? They’re simply a staple!

4" Brown Timber Fence Posts

Rapid Set Fence Post Concrete

Last but not least, we have our rapid set fence post concrete. Some may not consider this the most exciting product, and whilst it isn’t our most beautiful it definitely is one of the most useful! Our rapid set fence post concrete is a mixture of dried sands, cement and other additives. It also sets in only 5 to 10 minutes! It’s quick and easy to use – perfect for Autumn garden projects when daylight is fleeting. Only one bag per post is required and no mixing is needed. All you need to do is add water. The concrete is in polythene packaging so it’s suitable for outdoor storage. Even if the weather takes a turn (like it often does this month), the plastic bags are showerproof so there’s no need to worry. Simply put – the rapid set concrete is a product that makes your project easy and simpler!

Rapid Set Concrete

So that wraps up our top 5 products for this month! We have plenty to show off so be sure to check back next month for December’s top products.

Summer provides the perfect opportunity to get out there and tend to your garden. One of the chores on your list may involve treating fence panels. Just like anything else, your fence needs the proper care and attention to help it last for years to come; by taking the time to do it now you could be saving yourself money in the future. Here are some reasons why it’s so important to treat your fence properly.


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